The County shall coordinate with the local groundwater management agencies and local groundwater sustainability agencies to update County of Ventura Ordinance 4468 and related guidelines on the location, construction, and abandonment of water wells, if necessary.
Climate Action Plan
WR-F Discretionary Development Review for Adequate Water and Wastewater
The County shall verify that all discretionary development proposals demonstrate an adequate long-term supply of water, adequate methods for sewage disposal, provide adequate drainage to avoid flooding, prevent erosion, and prevent contamination of local water.
WR-G Water Conservation
The County shall continue to implement ongoing programs to educate County residents on incentives for water conservation features, including drought-tolerant landscaping, removal of turf, graywater, and water-saving plumbing technologies.
HAZ-P Identify Critical Infrastructure Vulnerable to Extreme Heat
The County shall map locations of countyowned facilities and infrastructure that may be vulnerable to the effects of extreme heat. When necessary, the County will develop a plan to upgrade such infrastructure to be more resilient to periods of high heat, which may include the use of heat-tolerant, reflective, or other resilient types of materials.
HAZ-Q Standards for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Carports in County Lots
The County shall establish feasible standards for inclusion of solar PV carports in County-owned parking lots.
HAZ-R Adaptation Grant Funding
The County shall apply for grant funding for climate change adaptation planning efforts from available private and public sources.