The County shall review water usage at County-owned facilities and from County operations and develop recommendations for water saving practices and facility improvements, including turf removal to conserve water.
Climate Action Plan
WR-H County Water Efficiency
The County shall review water usage at County-owned facilities and from County operations and develop recommendations for water saving practices and facility improvements, including turf removal to conserve water.
AG-C County Procurement
The County shall develop a program to identify opportunities to continue to provide organic and locally grown foods into cafeteria services, the jail, Ventura County Medical Center, and other County-sponsored services and events that provide food service, to the extent feasible.
AG-D Agricultural Tourism Development Standards
The County shall revise the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance to include regulations and development standards for agricultural tourism while protecting both the grower and the public. Ordinance revisions may also include additional development standards for agricultural promotional uses, if necessary.
AG-E Specialty Farming Education
The County shall continue to collaborate with and support the UC Cooperative Extension Office on education programs that inform and assist local farmers, ranchers, and agricultural managers in diversifying and establishing expertise in specialty agricultural products.
AG-F Enhanced Access to Locally Grown Products
The County shall conduct a study to identify barriers to local farm stands and take action to remove these barriers which may include an update to the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance, as necessary.