The County shall encourage wastewater treatment facilities to provide the maximum feasible protection and enhancement of groundwater resources.
Climate Action Plan
PFS-4.6 Reclaimed Water
The County shall encourage public wastewater system operators to upgrade existing wastewater treatment systems to reclaim water suitable for reuse for landscaping, irrigation, and groundwater recharge.
PFS-5.4 Food Waste Reduction
The County shall continue to provide educational and informational materials to restaurants, grocery stores, and other food providers, as part of food facility inspections, to support donation of safe, unused food to non-profit service agencies.
PFS-5.5 Agricultural Waste Reuse
The County shall support the beneficial reuse of agricultural wastes for activities such as composting and energy generation.
PFS-5.6 Value-Added Alternatives to Waste Disposal
The County shall promote value-added alternatives to solid waste management, such as compost, energy, biochar, and wood products to avoid open burning of agricultural biomass wastes.
PFS-1.2 Resilient Facilities and Services
The County shall monitor the projected impacts of climate change and natural disasters to make adaptive improvements and upgrades to public facilities and services.