The County shall require discretionary development for oil and gas exploration and production to use electrically-powered equipment from 100 percent renewable sources and cogeneration, where feasible, to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from internal combustion engines and equipment.
Climate Action Plan
COS-2.2 Beach Nourishment
The County shall support activities that trap or add sand through beach nourishment, dune restoration, and other adaptation strategies to enhance or create beaches in areas susceptible to sea-level rise and coastal flooding.
COS-2.10 Saltwater Intrusion
The County shall work with Federal, State, and local jurisdictions, agencies, and organizations to monitor saltwater intrusion and take proactive steps to reduce intrusion, including:
- working to maintain and restore coastal wetlands buffers;
- enhancing groundwater management to prevent excessive pumping in order to restore groundwater levels needed to reduce saltwater intrusion; and
- implementing mitigation measures to prevent saltwater intrusion into estuaries and groundwater basins including, but not limited to, implementation of reactive barriers and use of pumps to divert saltwater.
COS-3.2 Tree Canopy
The County shall encourage the planting of trees and the protection of existing urban forests and native woodlands, savannahs, and tree canopy throughout the county, including along State or County designated scenic roadways and in residential and commercial zones throughout the county, especially those located within designated disadvantaged communities.
COS-3.3 Utility Undergrounding Priority
The County shall give overhead utility undergrounding within high fire hazard areas and Scenic Resource Areas first priority when allocating County Utility Undergrounding Funds.
PFS-12.4 Consistent Fire Protection Standards for New Development
The County, in coordination with local water agencies and the Fire Protection District, shall require new discretionary development to comply with applicable standards for fire flows and fire protection.