The County shall support the transition to zero net energy and zero net carbon buildings, including electrification of new buildings.
Climate Action Plan
COS-8.7 Sustainable Building Practices
The County shall promote sustainable building practices that incorporate a “whole systems” approach for design and construction that consumes less energy, water, and other non-renewable resources, such as by facilitating passive ventilation and effective use of daylight.
COS-8.8 Renewable Energy Features in Discretionary Development
The County shall encourage the integration of features that support the generation, transmission, efficient use, and storage of renewable energy sources in discretionary development
COS-8.9 Urban Tree Canopy Improvements for Energy Conservation
The County shall encourage discretionary development to include the planting of shade trees on each property and within parking areas to reduce radiation heat production.
COS-8.10 Battery Energy Storage Systems
The County shall encourage battery energy storage systems as an option for optimizing the management of electricity generated by renewable resources.
COS-9.1 Open Space Preservation
The County shall preserve natural open space resources through:
- the concentration of development in Urban Areas and Existing Communities;
- use of cluster or compact development techniques in discretionary development adjacent to natural open space resources;
- maintaining large lot areas in agricultural areas, rural and open space areas;
- discouraging conversion of lands currently used for agricultural production or grazing;
- limiting development in areas constrained by natural hazards; and
- encouraging agricultural and ranching interests to maintain natural habitat in open space areas where the terrain or soil is not conducive to agricultural production or grazing.