When purchasing new County vehicles, the County shall give strong preference to fuel efficient vehicles, including the use of zero emission vehicles when feasible.
Climate Action Plan
HAZ-10.8 Alternative Transportation Modes
The County shall promote alternative modes of transportation that reduce single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) travel and enhance “last-mile” transportation options to improve air quality.
COS-10.4 Greenhouse Gas Reductions in Existing and New Development
The County shall reduce GHG emissions in both existing and new development through a combination of measures included in the GHG Strategy, which includes new and modified regulations, financing and incentive-based programs, community outreach and education programs, partnerships with local or regional agencies, and other related actions.
HAZ-1.1 Fire Prevention Design and Practices
The County shall continue to require development to incorporate design measures that enhance fire protection in areas of high fire risk. This shall include but is not limited to incorporation of fire-resistant structural design, use of fire-resistant landscaping, and fuel modification around the perimeter of structures.
HAZ-1.2 Defensible Space Clear Zones
The County shall require adherence to defensible space standards, or vegetation “clear zones,” for all existing and new structures in areas that are designated as Hazardous Fire Areas by the Ventura County Fire Protection District and High Fire Hazard Severity Zones by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
HAZ-1.3 Controlled Burns and Other Fire Prevention Measures
The County shall continue to recognize the role of fire in local ecosystems by supporting controlled burns and other fire prevention measures.