The County shall continue to implement the Guidelines for Orderly Development and work with cities to promote orderly and compact development, increased options for affordable housing, minimize vehicle miles traveled, and limit sprawl development.
Climate Action Plan
LU-A Guidelines for Orderly Development Implementation
The County shall continue to implement the Guidelines for Orderly Development and work with cities to promote orderly and compact development, increased options for affordable housing, minimize vehicle miles traveled, and limit sprawl development.
EV-4.4 Renewable Energy Facilities
The County shall identify appropriate locations to allow for development of renewable energy generation and storage facilities and encourage the development of innovative approaches to renewable energy deployment, including solar power, wind power, wave energy, distributed power systems and micro-grids, and other appropriate renewable sources and storage and distribution systems.
WR-6.3 Reclaimed Water Use
The County should encourage the use of reclaimed irrigation water and treated urban wastewater for agricultural irrigation in accordance with federal and state requirements in order to conserve untreated groundwater and potable water supplies.
WR-3.1 Non-Potable Water Use
The County shall encourage the use of non-potable water, such as tertiary treated wastewater and household graywater, for industrial, agricultural, environmental, and landscaping needs consistent with appropriate regulations.
WR-3.2 Water Use Efficiency for Discretionary Development
The County shall require the use of water conservation techniques for discretionary development, as appropriate. Such techniques include low-flow plumbing fixtures in new construction that meet or exceed the California Plumbing Code, use of graywater or reclaimed water for landscaping, retention of stormwater runoff for direct use and/or groundwater recharge, and landscape water efficiency standards that meet or exceed the standards in the California Model Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance.