The County shall conduct, and periodically update, Climate Change Impacts Monitoring reports to map locations of communication, energy, public service, transportation facilities, and infrastructure that are vulnerable to rising sea levels and coastal flooding.
Climate Action Plan
PFS-D Sea Level Rise Adaptation Response
Based on findings from the Climate Change Impacts Monitoring reports, in cases where existing County facilities are found to be vulnerable to sea-level rise or coastal flooding, the County shall identify funding and create an action plan to protect, accommodate, or manage the retreat of County facilities to areas of higher elevation or reduced flood exposure. For facilities operated by other entities, the County shall work with these entities to create an action plan to protect, accommodate, or manage the retreat of their facilities to areas of higher elevation or reduced flood exposure.
PFS-E County Purchasing Policy
The County shall prioritize the procurement of products made from recycled materials (e.g., office products and equipment, recycled asphalt use in roads and bike paths) and for reusing or sharing equipment/resources, when feasible.
PFS-F Trip Reduction for County Staff
The County shall provide support for the following trip-reduction methods for County staff members:
- carpooling/vanpooling,
- active transportation options (e.g., pedestrian or biking),
- use of electric or alternative energy vehicles, and
- public transit use.
These will be accomplished through incentives, such as dedicated parking areas, electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at County facilities, carpool/vanpool coordination, and flexible work shifts.
PFS-G Local Agency Management Program
The County shall review and update the Local Agency Management Program plan every five years consistent with the State Water Resources Control Board Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Policy.
PFS-J Public Education of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Care
The County shall promote and support programs to educate homeowners on the care and maintenance of private onsite wastewater treatment systems and environmental implications of improper maintenance.