The County shall apply for grants through the California Coastal Commission and other organizations for beach nourishment, dune restoration, and other adaptation activities to improve the resilience of county beaches to sea-level rise and coastal flooding.
Climate Action Plan
COS-M Oil and Gas Tax
The County shall evaluate the feasibility of establishing a local tax on all oil and gas operations located in the unincorporated county.
COS-N Sustainable Building, Siting, and Landscaping Practice Guidelines
The County shall prepare sustainable building, siting, and landscaping practice guidelines that promote a whole systems approach to building designs and construction techniques that reduce consumption of non-renewable resources such as oil, gas and water and promote renewable energy use.
CTM-N Storage Facilities for Shared Mobility Enterprises
The County shall work with the Ventura County Transportation Commission to analyze the feasibility of shared micromobility (e.g., bike sharing) vendors being required to provide storage/parking areas or facilities to be designated and/or physically placed outside of the public right-of-way if private shared mobility vendors are allowed to operate within the unincorporated areas of the county.
CTM-O Mobility-as-a-Service Enterprises – Parking
The County shall consider designating parking areas in County parking facilities for Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) vehicles to use between customer service runs and will work with cities to provide locations as well.
PFS-A Infrastructure Improvements and Funding
The County shall prepare, adopt, and periodically update capital improvement programs for all County-owned and operated facilities and services to maintain adequate levels of service and consistency with the General Plan.