The County shall evaluate the feasibility of establishing a local tax on all oil and gas operations located in the unincorporated county.
Climate Action Plan
COS-N Sustainable Building, Siting, and Landscaping Practice Guidelines
The County shall prepare sustainable building, siting, and landscaping practice guidelines that promote a whole systems approach to building designs and construction techniques that reduce consumption of non-renewable resources such as oil, gas and water and promote renewable energy use.
PFS-R Biogas Control Systems
The County shall review and update regulations to allow the development of appropriate biogas facilities near the source of organic waste materials and develop a program to coordinate public-private local investment in biogas control systems to encourage their development.
PFS-S Organic Waste Recycling at County Facilities and Events
The County shall evaluate the feasibility of establishing organic waste recycling programs at County facilities and County-sponsored events.
COS-C Update Tree Protection Ordinance
The County shall update existing Tree Protection Regulations in the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance to further enhance conservation of our urban forests and the preservation of the County’s oak woodland resources. Updates shall include incorporation of Board-adopted recommendations from the Ventura County Oak Woodlands Management Plan (2007), which includes tree replacement offsets for ministerial development projects that remove protected trees. The County shall also re-evaluate and modify, if necessary, mitigation ratios for tree removal and oak woodland impacts for discretionary development projects, evaluate existing protections for invasive, non-native trees and consider the degree to which they provide habitat for a species during critical life stages (e.g., colonial roost sites, breeding sites, etc.). In addition, the evaluation shall also include anticipated effects of climate change on the urban forest environment
COS-H County Tree Planting Program
The County shall plant at least one thousand trees annually. ]