To address GHG emissions associated with electricity consumption by industrial buildings, which were not quantified in the GHG Inventory and Forecasting due to utility privacy rules, the County shall implement a program to adopt a Building Energy Saving Ordinance, no later than 2025, for industrial buildings over 25,000 square feet in size, modeled after the local benchmarking ordinances adopted in other local jurisdictions in California (CEC 2019). The County shall prepare reports showing the energy performance of industrial buildings relative to similar buildings in California and the United States and make these reports available to the public by request. The County, through its building department shall provide recommendations on energy efficiency retrofits and green building strategies to improve energy performance to property owners and tenants subject to the reporting requirements.
Climate Action Plan
AG-B Regionally-Grown Products Sales Incentives
The County shall develop a program that encourages sales and distribution of regionally-grown (in Ventura County or neighboring counties of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, or Kern) produce to local retailers, restaurants, and markets, and encourage chain stores to develop local distribution centers. The program will encourage residents to select locally grown food products for freshness, local economic development benefits, and reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
HAZ-A Develop and Implement Educational Programs for Wildfire Resilience
In coordination with federal, state, and local partners (e.g., CAL FIRE), the County shall update and maintain educational programs related to such issues as:
- Learning how to recognize the first signs of fire and take appropriate action;
- Living with the risks of fire within the wildland/urban interface; and
- Methods of improving the resilience of homes and other structures.
HAZ-B Wildfire Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping
In collaboration with the federal, state, and local partners (e.g., CAL FIRE), U.S. Forest Service, other agencies involved in wildfire response planning), the County shall update and map new locations that may be vulnerable to wildfire hazards including: damage to electrical, transportation, and communication infrastructure; increased rates of erosion, landslide, and water quality degradation; loss of residential, commercial, and industrial structures; and ecological disturbance.
HAZ-F Develop Climate Change Impact Assessment
The County shall work with the Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC), other jurisdictions, the Oxnard Harbor District (OHD), California Department of Conservation, and the Department of Defense (DOD) to develop a Climate Change Impact Assessment that addresses issues related to climate change and military installations, including sea level
rise, wildfires, and stormwater runoff intensities.
HAZ-G Communication Program for Property Owners at Risk from Sea Level Rise
The County shall seek funding to prepare and implement a communication program that periodically provides updates to the Board of Supervisors, and other stakeholders regarding impacts from sea level rise and planning decisions to address those impacts.