The County shall move General Plan policies specific to the Coastal Zone to the Coastal Area Plan as part of the next Coastal Area Plan update.
LU-H Limit Alcohol and Tobacco Outlets
The County shall explore establishing zoning code limitations on the density of alcohol and tobacco outlets near sensitive receptors such as schools, childcare facilities, senior housing, parks, etc., and especially in designated disadvantaged communities, that is consistent with State law.
LU-J Develop a JLUS Resource Management Reference Guide
The County shall cooperate with Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) partners in the development of a reference guide providing information about the various agencies in the JLUS Study Area with their respective responsibilities. It shall be tailored to existing JLUS issues and contain:
- Map(s) identifying the important resources in the area, and
- County and JLUS partner contact information for the agency representative that will help in cases of community-military compatibility.
LU-K Update Plans and Amend Regulations with AICUZ Recommended Land Uses
The County should amend the Zoning Ordinance and/or Initial Study Assessment Guidelines, if necessary, to incorporate the Air Installations Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) recommended land use limitations and standards in the safety and noise zones. (MPSP)
LU-A Guidelines for Orderly Development Implementation
The County shall continue to implement the Guidelines for Orderly Development and work with cities to promote orderly and compact development, increased options for affordable housing, minimize vehicle miles traveled, and limit sprawl development.
LU-B General Plan Consistency
The County shall review and amend, as necessary, applicable ordinances and regulations to ensure consistency with the General Plan, including the Zoning Ordinances and Building Code.