The County shall expand partnerships with local governments, non-government organizations, churches, and businesses to provide additional cooling centers, particularly in designated disadvantaged communities.
HAZ-11.9 Urban Greening
The County shall promote the use of urban greening techniques, such as cool pavement technology, parking lot shading, landscaping, and other methods to offset climate change impacts and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for discretionary development and Countyinitiated projects.
HAZ-12.4 Emergency Water and Sanitation Education
The County shall determine best practices for water and sanitation and other measures for coping with emergencies of multiple days’ duration and shall provide guidance to the public based on the findings.
HAZ-12.5 Alert and Warning Systems
The County shall continue to maintain a comprehensive, coordinated and robust alert and warning program to communicate threats and hazards to residents before, during and after an emergency.
HAZ-9.1 Limiting Unwanted Noise
The County shall prohibit discretionary development which would be impacted by noise or generate project-related noise which cannot be reduced to meet the standards prescribed in Policy Haz-9.2. This policy does not apply to noise generated during the construction phase of a project.
HAZ-10.1 Air Pollutant Reduction
The County shall strive to reduce air pollutants from stationary and mobile sources to protect human health and welfare, focusing efforts on shifting patterns and practices that contribute to the areas with the highest pollution exposures and health impacts.