The County shall encourage farmers to convert fossil fuel-powered irrigation pumps to systems powered by electric or renewable energy sources, such as solar-power, and encourage electric utilities to eliminate or reduce stand-by charges.
WR-1.1 Sustainable Water Supply
The County should encourage water suppliers, groundwater management agencies, and groundwater sustainability agencies to inventory and monitor the quantity and quality of the county’s water resources, and to identify and implement measures to ensure a sustainable water supply to serve all existing and future residents, businesses, agriculture, government, and the environment.
AG-2.2 Impacts from Transportation Capital Improvements
The County shall plan transportation and other County capital improvements so as to avoid or mitigate impacts to important farmland to the extent feasible.
AG-4.4 Pest Management
The County shall continue to monitor leading research findings on methods and technologies for reducing harm to the agricultural sector from invasive plants, pests, and diseases and modify and expand agricultural practices when appropriate and feasible.
HAZ-11.1 Critical Vulnerable Infrastructure
The County shall identify and protect critical infrastructure locations that are vulnerable to damage from extreme heat.
HAZ-11.3 Limit Impacts of Climate Change on Designated Disadvantaged Communities
The County shall work with public, private, and nonprofit partners to limit impacts of climate change on Designated Disadvantaged Communities by focusing planning efforts and interventions on communities with the highest need and ensuring representatives of these communities have a role in the decision-making process for directing climate change response.