For discretionary development within 10 miles of Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC), Point Mugu that includes transmission facilities operating near military spectrum, the County shall submit project applications to NBVC for review and comment to determine appropriate coordination and review.
HAZ-1.2 Defensible Space Clear Zones
The County shall require adherence to defensible space standards, or vegetation “clear zones,” for all existing and new structures in areas that are designated as Hazardous Fire Areas by the Ventura County Fire Protection District and High Fire Hazard Severity Zones by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
HAZ-1.3 Controlled Burns and Other Fire Prevention Measures
The County shall continue to recognize the role of fire in local ecosystems by supporting controlled burns and other fire prevention measures.
HAZ-1.6 Wildfire Risk Education
The County shall continue to develop and distribute educational materials and conduct educational outreach activities informing the public about wildfire risk and protection strategies.
HAZ-1.7 Post-Fire Community and Natural Resource Recovery
The County shall assemble an interagency team as needed to maintain response plans and coordinate the management of resources following wildfire events.
HAZ-1.8 Federal Fire Risk Management
The County should collaborate with the federal agencies to better manage fuel loads on federally-owned or managed lands.