The County shall participate in the Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC), Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) Coordination Committee responsible for the efficient and effective coordination among JLUS partners and implementation of Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) recommendations to enhance long-term coordination on military compatibility issues.
LU-21.4 Enhance Communications
The County shall work to enhance communication and coordination with Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) and other jurisdictions in the county to enhance public knowledge and access to information regarding military operations and compatibility challenges while adhering to operational security requirements.
LU-1.1 Guidelines for Orderly Development
The County shall continue to promote orderly and compact development by:
- working with cities in Ventura County and the Ventura Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to promote and maintain reasonable city boundaries and Spheres of Influence to prevent growth-inducing urban development in unincorporated areas, and
- require unincorporated urban development to be located in areas designated as Existing Communities and unincorporated urban centers consistent with the Guidelines for Orderly Development and as defined in Policy LU-1.2.
LU-1.3 Regional Housing Needs Allocations
The County shall coordinate with Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to direct state regional housing needs allocations predominantly to cities to ensure consistency with the County’s Save Open Space & Agricultural Resources (SOAR) initiative and the SCAG’s Sustainable Communities Strategy.