The County shall work with other agencies and institutions to encourage the use of available public land to allow for community gardens, including on college campuses, schools, parks, and public easements, subject to applicable regulations intended to control and manage for unintended pest and disease impacts to commercial agriculture and suitable plans for ongoing operations and maintenance.
AG-4.5 Certified Farmers’ Markets and Community Supported Agriculture
The County shall support certified farmers’ markets, community supported agriculture (CSAs) operations, and other similar activities, by working with local communities, local agricultural groups, and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Certified Farmers Market Program, particularly in communities that are underserved by healthy food purveyors.
HAZ-11.1 Critical Vulnerable Infrastructure
The County shall identify and protect critical infrastructure locations that are vulnerable to damage from extreme heat.
HAZ-11.5 Outdoor Worker Protection
The County shall work with State and County health agencies and local organizations to provide educational programs and resources targeted at reducing the impacts of exposure to sun and heat.
HAZ-11.6 Accessible Cooling Centers
The County shall expand partnerships with local governments, non-government organizations, churches, and businesses to provide additional cooling centers, particularly in designated disadvantaged communities.
HAZ-12.2 Countywide Hazard Mitigation Planning
The County shall continue to maintain and periodically update the Ventura County Emergency Operations Plan and the Ventura County Hazard Mitigation Plan covering hazards in the county.