The County shall encourage the consolidation of water suppliers where necessary to ensure all residents are receiving water of adequate quality and quantity, to promote management efficiencies, and to encourage sharing of local resources and enhancement of managerial and technical expertise and capacity.
WR-1.9 Groundwater Basin Use for Water Storage
Where technically feasible, the County shall support the use of groundwater basins for water storage.
WR-1.10 Integrated Regional Water Management Plan
The County shall continue to support and participate with the Watersheds Coalition of Ventura County in implementing and regularly updating the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan.
WR-2.1 Identify and Eliminate of Sources of Water Pollution
The County shall cooperate with Federal, State and local agencies in identifying and eliminating or minimizing all sources of existing and potential point and non-point sources of pollution to ground and surface waters, including leaking fuel tanks, discharges from storm drains, dump sites, sanitary waste systems, parking lots, roadways, and mining operations.
AG-1.3 Greenbelt Agreements
The County shall preserve agricultural land by retaining and expanding existing Greenbelt Agreements and encouraging the formation of additional Greenbelt Agreements.
AG-1.4 Land Conservation Act Contracts
The County shall encourage Land Conservation Act (LCA) contracts on irrigated farmlands and Open Space lands.