The County shall cooperate with cities, special districts, appropriate organizations and private landowners to identify known cultural, archaeological, historical, and paleontological resources to preserve identified resources within the county.
COS-4.2 (b) Cooperation for Tribal Cultural Resource Preservation
For discretionary projects, the County shall request local tribes contact information from Native American Heritage Commission, to identify known tribal cultural resources. If requested by one or more of the identified local tribes, the County shall engage in consultation with each local tribe to preserve, and determine appropriate handling of, identified resources within the county.
PFS-12.1 Collaboration Among Partners
The County shall encourage the Fire Protection District to continue to develop relationships with local, state, and federal agencies and non-profit organizations to collaboratively inform and prepare citizens for wildland fires.
PFS-12.2 Fire Station Locations
The County shall work with the Fire Protection District to site fire stations in locations central to the area served and on or near arterial highways to minimize call response time.
PFS-12.4 Consistent Fire Protection Standards for New Development
The County, in coordination with local water agencies and the Fire Protection District, shall require new discretionary development to comply with applicable standards for fire flows and fire protection.
COS-1.1 Protection of Sensitive Biological Resources
The County shall ensure that discretionary development that could potentially impact sensitive biological resources be evaluated by a qualified biologist to assess impacts and, if necessary, develop mitigation measures that fully account for the impacted resource. When feasible, mitigation measures should adhere to the following priority: avoid impacts, minimize impacts, and compensate for impacts. If the impacts cannot be reduced to a less than significant level, findings of overriding considerations must be made by the decision-making body.