The County shall work to improve energy infrastructure to increase availability, reliability, sustainability, and use of renewable energy sources, with a focus on Existing Communities and equity in service to disadvantaged communities.
EV-5.3 Broadband
The County should encourage efforts to equitably extend broadband capacity throughout the county, including to designated disadvantaged communities, and to encourage private sector investments in state-of-the-art high speed fiberoptic infrastructure for both commercial and residential use. The County should use its franchise agreement powers, among others, whenever possible to secure improved services.
EV-5.4 Port of Hueneme
The County shall support the creation and enhancement of shipping, warehousing facilities at the Port of Hueneme as well as improvements to surface transportation connections to the supportive industries and businesses that are located outside of the Port.
EV-6.1 Workforce Readiness
The County shall collaborate with the Workforce Development Board, the P-20 Council, job and career centers, and other organizations to maximize workforce readiness by promoting job opportunity readiness among unemployed or underemployed residents and students and coordinating with local employers to identify workforce readiness issues and education and training program needs.
EV-6.2 Workforce Development
The County shall work with public and private universities, colleges, and technical schools in the county to support innovation and the development, retraining, and retention of a skilled workforce.
EV-6.4 Local Graduate Retention
The County shall actively support efforts to keep local high school and university graduates in the local workforce.