The County shall identify and protect critical infrastructure locations that are vulnerable to damage from extreme heat.
HAZ-10.7 Fuel Efficient County Vehicles
When purchasing new County vehicles, the County shall give strong preference to fuel efficient vehicles, including the use of zero emission vehicles when feasible.
HAZ-10.6 Transportation Control Measures Programs
The County shall continue to work with the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD) and Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) to develop and implement Transportation Control Measures (TCM) programs consistent with the APCD’s Air Quality Management Program (AQMP) to facilitate public transit and alternative transportation modes within the county.
COS-3.3 Utility Undergrounding Priority
The County shall give overhead utility undergrounding within high fire hazard areas and Scenic Resource Areas first priority when allocating County Utility Undergrounding Funds.
PFS-11.1 Emergency Response
The County shall maintain adequate staffing, equipment, and facilities to provide timely and effective responses to emergencies.
PFS-9.5 Library Facilities as Part of Affordable Housing Projects
The County shall consider opportunities to partner with affordable housing developers to leverage development or renovation of community library facilities as part of the housing development strategy.