The County shall work with public, private, and non-profit entities to prepare workers for jobs in green construction, including solar panel installation, decarbonizing buildings and infrastructure, and green building retrofits.
EV-5.1 Transportation Infrastructure
The County shall monitor and seek improvements to transportation infrastructure involving roads within County jurisdiction, particularly routes used for goods movement, to minimize the cost and inconvenience of traffic congestion.
EV-1.2 County Investment Priorities
The County shall prioritize investment in infrastructure, services, safety net programs and other assets that are critical to future economic vitality, including public safety, healthcare, library services, water supply and quality, transportation, energy, and environmental resources. This investment shall consider equity in investment opportunities to designated disadvantaged communities, including designated Opportunity Zones under the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. The focus of these efforts shall be to improve social equity and opportunity for all.
EV-1.1 Economic Vitality Strategic Plan
The County shall use the Ventura County Economic Vitality Strategic Plan, as updated, as an operational guide to implement the economic development goals, policies, and programs of the General Plan.
WR-5.2 Watershed Management Funding
The County shall continue to seek funding and support coordination of watershed planning and watershed-level project implementation to protect and enhance local watersheds.
HAZ-11.9 Urban Greening
The County shall promote the use of urban greening techniques, such as cool pavement technology, parking lot shading, landscaping, and other methods to offset climate change impacts and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for discretionary development and Countyinitiated projects.