The General Plan vision and guiding principles provide direction for the future and introduce key themes to be addressed in the General Plan. Specifically, the guiding principles serve as touchstones to determine consistency of goals, policies, and implementation programs with the overarching vision.
Vision Statement
A vision statement reflects what community members value most about the county and their shared aspirations for the future. The vision statement is intended to be inspirational and set the direction for the General Plan’s goals, policies, and implementation programs. The visioning process helped to identify issues important to the community and provided early direction for alternatives development and analysis during the update process.
Here is the Vision Statement for the 2040 General Plan:
Ventura County is an exceptional place to live, work, and play. Our quality of life and economic vitality are rooted in the stewardship of our cultural and natural resources, including agricultural lands and soils, open spaces, mountains, beaches, and talented people. The General Plan reflects the County’s ongoing commitment to collaborate with residents, cities, businesses, and non-profit organizations to meet our social and economic needs in a sustainable manner, to protect the environment and address climate change, and to encourage safe, healthy, vibrant, and diverse communities to thrive.
Guiding Principles
Guiding Principles are central ideas that articulate the County’s commitment to achieving the Vision Statement. They establish the framework for the ideas and concepts integral to the General Plan and served as touchstones during the process to develop and refine goals, policies, and programs.
Land Use and Community Character
Direct urban growth away from agricultural, rural, and open space lands, in favor of locating it in cities and unincorporated communities where public facilities, services, and infrastructure are available or can be provided.
Support the development of affordable and equitable housing opportunities by preserving and enhancing the existing housing supply and supporting diverse new housing types, consistent with the Guidelines for Orderly Development.
Circulation, Transportation, and Mobility
Support the development of a balanced, efficient, and coordinated multimodal transportation network that meets the mobility and accessibility needs of all residents, businesses, and visitors.
Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure
Invest in facilities, infrastructure, and services, including renewable energy, to promote efficiency and economic vitality, ensure public safety, and improve our quality of life.
Conservation and Open Space
Conserve and manage the County’s open spaces and natural resources, including soils, water, air quality, minerals, biological resources, scenic resources, as well as historic and cultural resources.
Hazards and Safety
Minimize health and safety impacts to residents, businesses and visitors from human-caused hazards such as hazardous materials, noise, air, sea level rise, and water pollution, as well as managing lands to reduce the impacts of natural hazards such as flooding, wildland fires, and geologic events.
Promote the economic vitality and environmental sustainability of Ventura County’s agricultural economy by conserving soils/land while supporting a diverse and globally-competitive agricultural industry that depends on the availability of water, land, and farmworker housing.
Water Resources
Develop and manage water resources in a manner that addresses current demand without compromising the ability to meet future demand, while balancing the needs of urban and agricultural uses, and healthy ecosystems.
Economic Vitality
Foster economic and job growth that is responsive to the evolving needs and opportunities of the County’s economy and preserves land use compatibility with Naval Base Ventura County and the Port of Hueneme, while enhancing our quality of life and promoting environmental sustainability.
Climate Change and Resilience
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to work toward achieving all adopted targets, proactively anticipate and mitigate the impacts of climate change, promote employment opportunities in renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gases, and increase resilience to the effects of climate change.
Healthy Communities
Promote economic, social, and physical health and wellness by investing in infrastructure that promotes physical activity, access to healthy foods, supporting the arts and integrating Health in All Policies into the built environment.
Environmental Justice
Commit to the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures, and incomes with respect to the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies, protect disadvantaged communities from a disproportionate burden posed by toxic exposure and risk, and continue to promote civil engagement in the public decision-making process.