The County shall partner with public and private agencies and provide funding support for residential rehabilitation programs that assist homeowners and renters to ensure the safety and habitability of existing housing units and the quality of residential neighborhoods for lower income households.
Healthy Communities
HE-1.1 Ensure Housing Meets Basic Standards
The County shall support its Code Compliance Division in responding to complaints and ensuring that existing housing meets public health, safety, fire and other applicable development codes and standards, with priority given to designated disadvantaged communities.
AG-C County Procurement
The County shall develop a program to identify opportunities to continue to provide organic and locally grown foods into cafeteria services, the jail, Ventura County Medical Center, and other County-sponsored services and events that provide food service, to the extent feasible.
AG-D Agricultural Tourism Development Standards
The County shall revise the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance to include regulations and development standards for agricultural tourism while protecting both the grower and the public. Ordinance revisions may also include additional development standards for agricultural promotional uses, if necessary.
AG-H Nutrient Management Plans
The County shall continue to collaborate with the UC Cooperative Extension Office and UC Agriculture and Natural Resources to implement Nutrient Management Plans for commonly grown local crops featuring best management practices for nitrous oxide (N2O) emission reductions.
WR-A Monitor Water Supply and Water Demand
The County shall prepare Reports on the Water Supply and Demand outlook for the unincorporated portions of the county every five years.