The County shall make public facilities, such as flood control channels and easements, available for recreational use, if feasible, safe, and appropriate for the site’s primary function.
Healthy Communities
PFS-10.3 Amenities at Public Parks and Recreational Facilities
The County shall provide a full range of amenities at public parks and recreational facilities including playgrounds, restrooms, drinking fountains, trees and landscaping, outdoor furniture, trash cans, and lighting, to the maximum extent feasible.
PFS-10.4 New Park and Recreational Facility Locations and Park Accessibility
Parks and recreational facilities shall be located and designed to be accessible and inclusive for all users, to the maximum extent feasible.
PFS-10.5 Parkland Dedication Requirement
The County shall require discretionary development to provide new trails and/or parkland dedication, or equivalent in-lieu fees, based on a standard of five acres of local parkland per thousand population in accordance with the Quimby Act (Gov. Code, 66477) and County Quimby Ordinance (contained in Ventura County Subdivision Ordinance). Any lands dedicated to meeting this requirement shall be accessible to the general public.
PFS-10.6 Additional Lands for Recreational Use
As part of subdivision development, the County shall encourage developers to set aside unused open space for active and passive recreational uses.
PFS-10.7 Parkland Development, Operation, and Maintenance
The County shall require discretionary projects to provide funding for development, operation, and maintenance of park facilities appropriate to serve the needs of the project.