Based on findings from the Climate Change Impacts Monitoring reports, in cases where existing County facilities are found to be vulnerable to sea-level rise or coastal flooding, the County shall identify funding and create an action plan to protect, accommodate, or manage the retreat of County facilities to areas of higher elevation or reduced flood exposure. For facilities operated by other entities, the County shall work with these entities to create an action plan to protect, accommodate, or manage the retreat of their facilities to areas of higher elevation or reduced flood exposure.
Healthy Communities
PFS-E County Purchasing Policy
The County shall prioritize the procurement of products made from recycled materials (e.g., office products and equipment, recycled asphalt use in roads and bike paths) and for reusing or sharing equipment/resources, when feasible.
PFS-L Solid Waste Reduction
The County shall continue to support and promote programs focused on solid waste prevention, reduction, recycling, and composting efforts, including food waste reduction in cases where consumable food can be redistributed rather than disposed.
PFS-N Open Space Zone for Parks and Recreation
The County shall amend the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance to create a new Open Space zone for public lands that will be limited to parks and recreational uses.
PFS-N Open Space Zone for Parks and Recreation
The County shall amend the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance to create a new Open Space zone for public lands that will be limited to parks and recreational uses.
CTM-H Complete Streets Guidelines
The County shall prepare and adopt Complete Streets Design Guidelines/standards to be used when constructing new roadways or improving existing roadways where Complete Streets would be appropriate/feasible. Complete Streets Design Guidelines/standards should be consistent with the pedestrian and bicycle design guidelines and design standards established by Caltrans and supporting state/federal guidelines when designing bicycle/pedestrian facilities. These include the California MAnnual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), Highway Design MAnnual, Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
The County shall improve pedestrian safety at intersections and mid-block locations in developed communities by providing pedestrian crossing treatments where appropriate.