The County shall work with State and County health agencies and local organizations to provide educational programs and resources targeted at reducing the impacts of exposure to sun and heat.
Environmental Justice
HAZ-11.6 Accessible Cooling Centers
The County shall expand partnerships with local governments, non-government organizations, churches, and businesses to provide additional cooling centers, particularly in designated disadvantaged communities.
HAZ-9.5 Site and Building Design
The County shall require discretionary development and County-initiated projects to comply with adopted noise standards through proper site and building design features, such as building location and orientation, setbacks, natural barriers and vegetation, and building construction. The County shall only consider sound walls if noise mitigation measures have been evaluated or integrated into the project and found infeasible.
HAZ-9.6 Airport Noise Compatibility
The County shall use the aircraft noise analysis prepared for local airports or the noise contours from the current NBVC-Point Mugu Air Installations Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) study, as most appropriate for a project location, as an accurate mapping of the long-term noise impact of the airport’s aviation activity. The County shall restrict new discretionary residential land uses to areas outside of the 60 decibel Community Noise Equivalence Level (dB CNEL) aircraft noise contour unless interior noise levels can be mitigated to meet a maximum 45 dB CNEL.
HAZ-10.1 Air Pollutant Reduction
The County shall strive to reduce air pollutants from stationary and mobile sources to protect human health and welfare, focusing efforts on shifting patterns and practices that contribute to the areas with the highest pollution exposures and health impacts.
HAZ-10.12 Conditions for Air Quality Impacts
The County shall require that discretionary development that would have a significant adverse air quality impact shall only be approved if it is conditioned with all feasible mitigation measures to avoid, minimize or compensate (offset) for the air quality impact. The use of innovative methods and technologies to minimize air pollution impacts shall be encourage in project design.