During project-level ground disturbance activities for discretionary development, in areas where paleontologically rich sites or tribal cultural resources are known to be present, project sites shall be secured during non-construction hours to ensure that the unauthorized access and the unlawful curation of fossil materials or tribal cultural resources does not occur. Such security measures may include construction fencing, unauthorized access signage, security lighting, and security cameras. For large-scale development, a security plan may be prepared prior to construction activities to detail security measures and protocol for the project site.
Environmental Impact Report
COS-LL Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy Enhancement Program
The Climate Emergency Council that would be established under COS-CC shall develop recommended subprograms which implement the 52 policies identified in Table 4.8-7 of the draft EIR that do not have associated implementation programs in the 2040 General Plan. For any additional future policies that may be adopted as part of the County’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Strategy (2040 General Plan, Policy COS- 10.1), the CEC may recommend new subprograms. The CEC shall demonstrate in the materials submitted to the Board of Supervisors that the proposed subprograms and policies would result in quantifiable GHG emission reductions that further the County’s progress towards achieving the 2030, 2040, and 2050 GHG reduction targets and goals established in the 2040 General Plan. The GHG emission reduction policy topics that may be considered and analyzed by the CEC for recommendation to the Board of Supervisors are identified in the Table 4.8- 7 and include but are not limited to the following:
- Sustainable Technologies;
- Regional Bicycle Infrastructure;
- Funding and Maintenance for Sidewalks;
- Amtrak Service Improvements;
- Routine Use of Alternative Transportation Options;
- Permeable Pavement;
- Facilities for Emerging Technologies;
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations;
- Neighborhood Electric Vehicles;
- Shared Mobility Operations;
- Sustainable Community Facility Design;
- Energy Efficient Facility Construction, Purchases, Leases, Retrofits, and Expansions;
- Agricultural Waste Reuse;
- Value-Added Alternatives to Waste Disposal;
- Smart Grid Development;
- Consistent Fire Protection Standards for New Development;
- Soil Productivity;
- Incentives for Energy Efficiency;
- Battery Energy Storage Systems;
- Air Pollutant Reduction;
- Air Pollution Impact Mitigation Measures for Discretionary Development;
- Transportation Control Measures Programs;
- Alternative Transportation Modes;
- Urban Greening;
- Integrated Pest Management Practices;
- Technological Innovation; and
- Renewable Energy Facilities.
The CEC’s recommended GHG reduction subprograms and policies shall be presented to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation to the Board of Supervisors, and then to the Board of Supervisors for consideration and approval, no later than 2025. The Board of Supervisors shall have sole authority to adopt (including as modified) and direct the County’s implementation of the subprograms and policies that are developed and recommended by the CEC. Any CEC recommendation that would require amendments to the 2040 General Plan, County ordinances, policies or regulations shall be processed and approved by the County in accordance with all applicable legal requirements.
COS-KK Implement Project-Level Security Measures
During project-level ground disturbance activities for discretionary development, in areas where paleontologically rich sites or tribal cultural resources are known to be present, project sites shall be secured during non-construction hours to ensure that the unauthorized access and the unlawful curation of fossil materials or tribal cultural resources does not occur. Such security measures may include construction fencing, unauthorized access signage, security lighting, and security cameras. For large-scale development, a security plan may be prepared prior to construction activities to detail security measures and protocol for the project site.
COS-JJ Project-Level Historic Surveys and Protection of Historic Resources
During project-specific environmental review of discretionary development, the County shall define the project’s area of potential effect for historic buildings and structures. The County shall determine the potential for the project to result in historic resource impacts, based on the extent of ground disturbance and site modification anticipated for the project. The potential for adverse impacts to historic resources shall also be determined pursuant to the requirements and protocol set forth in the Ventura County ISAG and Cultural Heritage Board Ordinance.
Before altering or otherwise affecting a building or structure 50 years old or older, the project-applicant shall retain a qualified architectural historian according to the Secretary of the Interior Standards, to record it on a California Department of Parks and Recreation DPR 523 form or equivalent documentation, if the building has not previously been evaluated. Its significance shall be assessed by a qualified architectural historian, using the significance criteria set forth for historic resources under CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. The evaluation process shall include the development of appropriate historical background research as context for the assessment of the significance of the structure in the county and the region. For buildings or structures that do not meet PRC 5024.1 or the CEQA criteria for historical resource, no further mitigation is required.
- If the building or structure can be preserved on site, but remodeling, renovation or other alterations are required, this work shall be conducted in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
- If a significant historic building or structure is proposed for major alteration or renovation, or to be moved and/or demolished, the County shall ensure that a qualified architectural historian thoroughly documents the building and associated landscape and setting. Documentation shall include still and video photography and a written documentary record/history of the building to the standards of the Historic American Building Survey or Historic American Engineering Record, including accurate scaled mapping, architectural descriptions, and scaled architectural plans, if available. The record shall be prepared in consultation with State Historic Preservation Officer and filed with the Office of Historic Preservation. The record shall be accompanied by a report containing site-specific history and appropriate contextual information. This information shall be gathered through site specific and comparative archival research, and oral history collection as appropriate.
- If preservation and reuse at the site are not feasible1, the historical building shall be documented as described in item (2) and, when physically and financially feasible1, be moved and preserved or reused.
- If, in the opinion of the qualified architectural historian, the nature and significance of the building is such that its demolition or destruction cannot be fully mitigated through documentation, the County shall reconsider project plans in light of the high value of the resource, and implement more substantial modifications to the proposed project that would allow the structure to be preserved intact. These could include project redesign, relocation or abandonment. If no such measures are feasible1, the historical building shall be documented as described in item (2).
1. “Feasible” means that this mitigation measure shall be applied to future discretionary projects under the 2040 General Plan when and to the extent it is “capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, legal, social, and technological factors” as determined by the County in the context of such future projects based on substantial evidence. This definition is consistent with the definition of “feasible” set forth in CEQA (Pub. Res. Code, § 21066.1) and the CEQA Guidelines (§ 15164). The County shall be solely responsible for making this feasibility determination in accordance with CEQA. or continuing project activities and/or construction.
COS-II Cultural, Historical, Paleontological, and Archaeological Resource Assessment Procedures
For discretionary projects, the County shall require the following:
- Projects shall be designed to protect existing resources and shall avoid potential impacts to the maximum extent feasible1.
- If determined necessary by the County, an archaeological or paleontological and/or Native American monitor shall be retained to monitor ground-disturbing activities during construction.
- If any materials or artifacts are discovered during ground disturbance and/or construction activities, construction shall halt until a qualified archaeologist, paleontologist, or Native American monitor can access the discovery. A report or memorandum shall be prepared by the qualified monitor documenting any findings and identifying recommendations for protection or avoidance of discovered resources. Recommendations or mitigation identified by the qualified monitor shall be implemented prior to commencing
- “Feasible” means that this mitigation measure shall be applied to future discretionary projects under the 2040 General Plan when and to the extent it is “capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, legal, social, and technological factors” as determined by the County in the context of such future projects based on substantial evidence. This definition is consistent with the definition of “feasible” set forth in CEQA (Pub. Res. Code, § 21066.1) and the CEQA Guidelines (§ 15164). The County shall be solely responsible for making this feasibility determination in accordance with CEQA. or continuing project activities and/or construction.
COS-HH Cultural Records Research
As part of a discretionary application process, project applicants (Ventura County for County projects) shall initiate a records search and Sacred Lands File search with the South Central Coastal Information Center.