To support the proposed reach codes under COS-S, the 2040 General Plan shall include a new program in the Hazards and Safety element that prohibits the installation of new natural gas infrastructure in new residential development through amendments to the Ventura County Building Code. This program shall also be extended to new commercial development including but not limited to offices, retail buildings, and hotels. The County may exempt new commercial development from these requirements upon making findings based on substantial evidence that the use of natural gas is critical to business operations, and that it is not feasible3 to replace critical appliances or equipment with electricity powered equivalents. This program shall be completed no later than 2023.
3. “Feasible” means that this mitigation measure shall be applied to future discretionary projects under the 2040 General Plan when and to the extent it is “capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, legal, social, and technological factors” as determined by the County in the context of such future projects based on substantial evidence. This definition is consistent with the definition of “feasible” set forth in CEQA (Pub. Res. Code, § 21066.1) and the CEQA Guidelines (§ 15164). The County shall be solely responsible for making this feasibility determination in accordance with CEQA.