To support climate change related goals and CEQA related VMT policies pursuant to SB 743 (2013), the County shall develop a VMT Reduction Program no later than 2025. This program will contain a range of project- and program-level mitigation measures and VMT reduction strategies, that could include:
- Preparation of a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program to promote mode shifts from single occupant vehicle use to transit, ridesharing, active transportation, telecommuting, etc.; and,
- Transportation System Management applications such as park-and-ride lots, intelligent transportation system (ITS) field deployment, pavement management, etc.
This program shall identify measures to achieve an additional five percent overall reduction in VMT by 2030, and 10 percent by 2040 relative to 2030 and 2040 business as usual scenarios, respectively. During implementation of the 2040 General Plan, the County will review and update the VMT Reduction Program as warranted to provide additional mitigation measures and programs that achieve these levels of VMT reduction.