The County shall continue to participate in and support the Ventura County Transportation Commission in updates to the Bicycle Wayfinding Plan linking all Ventura County cities, unincorporated communities, and CSUCI.
LU-L Amend Zoning Ordinance
The County should amend the Zoning Ordinances, if necessary, to comply with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) vertical obstruction guidelines, more specifically with the Navy’s Airfield Imaginary Surfaces of the airfields located in the area. These surfaces are more restrictive and provide for greater safety of the public, pilots, and aircraft. The Navy’s Airfield Imaginary Surfaces include slopes and heights that are allowable from various distances from the airfield.
LU-M Military Compatibility Areas (MCA)
The County shall update the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance and the Coastal Zoning Ordinance, if necessary, to delineate and establish the Military Compatibility Areas and Subzones illustrated on Figures 5 through 7 of the Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Joint Land Use Study (JLUS).
LU-N Acquisition of Land Near Airfield
The County shall support the acquisition of conservation easements that protect operations at Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu, while maintaining agricultural production capabilities.
LU-O Five-year General Plan Review
The County shall conduct a thorough review of the General Plan, (including the Background Report) every five years from the date of final approval.
LU-R Review of Designated Disadvantaged Communities
Every five years from the adoption of the 2040 General Plan, the County shall review changes to the CalEPA designations of disadvantaged communities as well as changes in localized income data and pollution burdens and amend, as necessary, the maps and lists of low income and disadvantaged communities in the General Plan.