The County Sheriff’s Department, Office of Emergency Services shall review and revise the Dam Failure Contingency section of the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan every five years and continue to provide public information on dam failure preparedness and response.
COS-Z Public Reporting on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Strategy Progress
The County shall prepare public reports on the results of GHG Strategy implementation and monitoring and present these reports to the Board of Supervisors. The first report shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors two years after the approval of the General Plan, after which the Board of Supervisors will determine the appropriate future reporting interval. The County shall also present a more detailed progress report to the Board of Supervisors, including results of the latest GHG inventory update, every five years.
COS-H County Tree Planting Program
The County shall plant at least one thousand trees annually. ]
COS-H County Tree Planting Program
The County shall plant at least one thousand trees annually. ]
COS-H County Tree Planting Program
The County shall plant at least one thousand trees annually. ]
LU-P Annual General Plan Implementation Review
The County shall review the General Plan annually, focusing on the status and progress of program implementation. The County shall prepare a report to the Board of Supervisors summarizing the status of implementation programs and any recommendations for General Plan amendments.