The County shall review and update the Economic Vitality Strategic Plan every five years.
EV-B Investment in Opportunity Zones
The County shall work with the Economic Vitality Strategic Plan Steering Committee to explore designated Opportunity Zones identified pursuant to the Federal Tax Cuts and Job Act (December 22, 2017) to promote investments that benefits the residents living within them and minimizes potential displacement.
EV-C Promote Infill and Revitalization
The County shall prepare development standards, including those that provide for adequate infrastructure, for development on remaining vacant commercial and industrial sites to encourage infill and revitalization of underutilized sites.
EV-E Business Retention and Expansion
The County shall coordinate with the Economic Development Collaborative – Ventura County to focus on retention and expansion of existing businesses in key industry clusters, including Naval Base Ventura County and Port of Hueneme support businesses.
EV-F Broadband Capacity Development
The County shall identify the necessary policies, regulations, and development standards for critical broadband infrastructure, such as fiber optics, shadow conduit, vertical assets and dig once policies. Based on this work, the County shall develop a Broadband Master Plan in cooperation with service providers to identify how high-speed broadband infrastructure and services will be funded, developed and deployed.
EV-H Evaluate County Hiring Practices
The County shall conduct an evaluation of its hiring practices, in coordination with education and training providers, to determine how the County can maximize local hiring.