The County shall prepare sustainable building, siting, and landscaping practice guidelines that promote a whole systems approach to building designs and construction techniques that reduce consumption of non-renewable resources such as oil, gas and water and promote renewable energy use.
PFS-R Biogas Control Systems
The County shall review and update regulations to allow the development of appropriate biogas facilities near the source of organic waste materials and develop a program to coordinate public-private local investment in biogas control systems to encourage their development.
PFS-S Organic Waste Recycling at County Facilities and Events
The County shall evaluate the feasibility of establishing organic waste recycling programs at County facilities and County-sponsored events.
PFS-T Development and Inclusion of Los Padres National Forest and Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Trails and Map
The County shall prepare a map of public trails within and into the Los Padres National Forest and Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, including those that cross private lands for inclusion in Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure Element.
COS-A Standards for Compact Development
The County shall update the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance to include design and development standards to achieve compact siting of development adjacent to scenic or sensitive biological resources.
COS-B Update Initial Study Assessment Guidelines
The County shall update the Initial Study Assessment Guidelines to identify a range of mitigation measures for protected biological resources. This will include updating Section 4, Biological Resources, to include the following California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) policy language regarding compensatory mitigation: “When there is no other feasible alternative to avoiding an impact to a wetland habitat, the County shall require the discretionary development to provide restoration and/or replacement habitat as compensatory mitigation such that no overall net loss of wetland habitat results from the development. The restoration and/or replacement habitat shall be “in kind” (i.e. same type and acreage) and provide wetland habitat of comparable biological value. On-site restoration and/or replacement shall be preferred wherever possible. A habitat restoration and/or replacement plan to describe and implement such compensatory mitigation shall be developed in consultation with all agencies that have jurisdiction over the resource.”