The County shall continue to provide data and staff resources to support collaboration on climate change and sustainability, and for planning and implementing projects that address local and regional water issues.
AG-F Enhanced Access to Locally Grown Products
The County shall conduct a study to identify barriers to local farm stands and take action to remove these barriers which may include an update to the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance, as necessary.
AG-L Encourage and Facilitate Carbon Farming
The County shall collaborate with University of California Cooperative Extension to encourage and facilitate carbon farming projects, including development of demonstration projects and site-specific carbon farm plans, to guide implementation of carbon farming practices throughout the county, when feasible.
AG-M Research on Effects of Climate Change
The County shall research the potential effects of climate change on the county’s existing agricultural industry as well as the resulting challenges and opportunities associated with these changes. Research partners may include the California Climate and Agriculture Network (CalCAN), University of California Cooperative Extension, Ventura County Farm Bureau, and the Agricultural Commissioner’s Office. The research shall address, but may not be limited to, loss of chill hours, increased populations of or new species of pests, higher rates of evapotranspiration, and opportunities created by warmer climate to grow crops that were previously unsuitable based on historic climate conditions.
WR-C Regional Collaboration on Water Issues and Sustainability
The County shall continue to provide data and staff resources to support collaboration on climate change and sustainability, and for planning and implementing projects that address local and regional water issues.
AG-F Enhanced Access to Locally Grown Products
The County shall conduct a study to identify barriers to local farm stands and take action to remove these barriers which may include an update to the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance, as necessary.