To the extent that Local, State and Federal housing funds are available, the County shall continue to administer grant/loan programs to assist lower-income households with the following housing and community related issues:
- Support local non-profits to rehabilitate housing units.
- Fund the development of owner-occupied and rental housing for lower-income households and for those households with identified special needs.
- Support non-profit organizations and County service providers in their efforts to provide services and re-housing efforts to special needs populations including households who are either homeless or “at risk of becoming homeless.”
- Disaster recovery efforts.
- Investment in infrastructure and service upgrades in disadvantaged and low-opportunity areas.
The County shall consider as part of the next Consolidated Plan for 2025, establishing priorities for the distribution of funds, which may include criteria such as income targeting, housing for special needs including seniors and persons with disabilities, support services, and designated disadvantaged communities and areas of concentrated poverty that serve to affirmatively further fair housing.
The County shall pursue funding from CDBG, HOME, and PHLA funds with a goal of obtaining approximately $3.1 million dollars annually for the development affordable housing and improvements to services in low-opportunity and disadvantaged communities throughout the Entitlement Area.
The County shall evaluate and consider applying for, and strive to receive and maintain thereafter, the State’s Prohousing Designation by demonstrating a sufficient number of policies that contribute to accelerating housing production.
Annually, as part of the County’s Consolidated Plan;
2025 – The Consolidated Plan fund distribution priorities will be updated.