Future discretionary projects shall be reviewed by the County Sheriff’s Department to determine whether the project includes adequate security measures and access so as not to exacerbate the need for new law enforcement/emergency services. Security measures considered adequate include but are not limited to: nighttime security lighting; cameras; alarms; fencing; window and door locks; private security patrols or special event security assistance; treatment of vulnerable surfaces with community supported murals (e.g. endorsed via petition by neighbors), anti-graffiti coating, or landscaping; removal of graffiti within a specified time period and/or other design measure to create defensible space.
PFS-Q Adequate Fire Flow – New Development
The County shall continue to review all new development to ensure that an adequate level of water for fire flow and fire protection can be provided.
PFS-U Review Future Projects for Incorporation of Law Enforcement Security Measures
Future discretionary projects shall be reviewed by the County Sheriff’s Department to determine whether the project includes adequate security measures and access so as not to exacerbate the need for new law enforcement/emergency services. Security measures considered adequate include but are not limited to: nighttime security lighting; cameras; alarms; fencing; window and door locks; private security patrols or special event security assistance; treatment of vulnerable surfaces with community supported murals (e.g. endorsed via petition by neighbors), anti-graffiti coating, or landscaping; removal of graffiti within a specified time period and/or other design measure to create defensible space.
PFS-C Sea Level Rise Impacts Monitoring
The County shall conduct, and periodically update, Climate Change Impacts Monitoring reports to map locations of communication, energy, public service, transportation facilities, and infrastructure that are vulnerable to rising sea levels and coastal flooding.
PFS-D Sea Level Rise Adaptation Response
Based on findings from the Climate Change Impacts Monitoring reports, in cases where existing County facilities are found to be vulnerable to sea-level rise or coastal flooding, the County shall identify funding and create an action plan to protect, accommodate, or manage the retreat of County facilities to areas of higher elevation or reduced flood exposure. For facilities operated by other entities, the County shall work with these entities to create an action plan to protect, accommodate, or manage the retreat of their facilities to areas of higher elevation or reduced flood exposure.
PFS-L Solid Waste Reduction
The County shall continue to support and promote programs focused on solid waste prevention, reduction, recycling, and composting efforts, including food waste reduction in cases where consumable food can be redistributed rather than disposed.