The County shall amend the County’s Coastal and Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinances to require parking lots for new non-residential construction projects, with floor area of greater than 50,000 square feet, to include solar canopies.
COS-Y Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Strategy Monitoring
The County shall implement, under the overall direction of the CEO and with support of RMA, PWA, GSA, AGC, FD, and other departments as appropriate, the GHG Strategy through specific policies, programs, and implementing actions integrated throughout the General Plan and summarized in Appendix B, Climate Action Plan, as well as other appropriate actions adopted from time to time. The greenhouse gas reduction strategy shall consist of a comprehensive program to systematically reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet adopted emission reduction targets and deadlines from all sectors – transportation, buildings, solid waste, stationary sources, agriculture, water and wastewater, and off-road equipment.
COS-Y Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Strategy Monitoring
The County shall implement, under the overall direction of the CEO and with support of RMA, PWA, GSA, AGC, FD, and other departments as appropriate, the GHG Strategy through specific policies, programs, and implementing actions integrated throughout the General Plan and summarized in Appendix B, Climate Action Plan, as well as other appropriate actions adopted from time to time. The greenhouse gas reduction strategy shall consist of a comprehensive program to systematically reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet adopted emission reduction targets and deadlines from all sectors – transportation, buildings, solid waste, stationary sources, agriculture, water and wastewater, and off-road equipment.
PFS-P Adequate Fire Flow – Water Districts/Companies Capabilities
The County shall work with mutual water districts/companies to identify and address the capabilities of each entity to provide adequate fire flows to address existing and potential development (including the anticipated growth of accessory dwelling units), within their service areas.
PFS-P Adequate Fire Flow – Water Districts/Companies Capabilities
The County shall work with mutual water districts/companies to identify and address the capabilities of each entity to provide adequate fire flows to address existing and potential development (including the anticipated growth of accessory dwelling units), within their service areas.
PFS-S Organic Waste Recycling at County Facilities and Events
The County shall evaluate the feasibility of establishing organic waste recycling programs at County facilities and County-sponsored events.