The County shall prepare, adopt, and periodically update capital improvement programs for all County-owned and operated facilities and services to maintain adequate levels of service and consistency with the General Plan.
PFS-C Sea Level Rise Impacts Monitoring
The County shall conduct, and periodically update, Climate Change Impacts Monitoring reports to map locations of communication, energy, public service, transportation facilities, and infrastructure that are vulnerable to rising sea levels and coastal flooding.
PFS-D Sea Level Rise Adaptation Response
Based on findings from the Climate Change Impacts Monitoring reports, in cases where existing County facilities are found to be vulnerable to sea-level rise or coastal flooding, the County shall identify funding and create an action plan to protect, accommodate, or manage the retreat of County facilities to areas of higher elevation or reduced flood exposure. For facilities operated by other entities, the County shall work with these entities to create an action plan to protect, accommodate, or manage the retreat of their facilities to areas of higher elevation or reduced flood exposure.
PFS-E County Purchasing Policy
The County shall prioritize the procurement of products made from recycled materials (e.g., office products and equipment, recycled asphalt use in roads and bike paths) and for reusing or sharing equipment/resources, when feasible.
CTM-P Interim VMT CEQA Assessment Criteria
Following June 30, 2020 and prior to completion of Implementation Program CTM-B, all projects (not otherwise exempt from CEQA analysis) shall be evaluated for potential environmental impacts relative to VMT using the State’s minimum reduction standards, as follows:
Project Type | Measurement Unit | Model Trip Types | Minimum Criteria | Baseline VMT | Threshold VMT |
Residential |
VMT/Capita |
Average of all Home Based Trip Types |
15% Reduction of Regional Average |
9.66 |
8.21 |
Office |
VMT/Employee |
Home Based Work Trips |
15% Reduction of Regional Average |
13.52 |
11.49 |
Industrial |
VMT/Employee |
Home Based Work Trips |
15% Reduction of Regional Average |
13.52 |
11.49 |
Retail |
Unincorporated VMT |
All Trip Types |
No Net Increase in Regional VMT |
7,500,249 |
7,500,249 |
Agriculture |
Unincorporated VMT |
All Trip Types |
No Net Increase in Regional VMT |
7,500,249 |
7,500,249 |
Infrastructure |
Unincorporated VMT |
All Trip Types |
No Net Increase in Regional VMT |
7,500,249 |
7,500,249 |
All Other Project Types |
Unincorporated VMT |
All Trip Types |
No Net Increase in Regional VMT |
7,500,249 |
7,500,249 |
If a proposed project is found to have a significant impact on VMT, the impact must be reduced, as feasible1, by modifying the project’s VMT to a level below the established thresholds of significance and/or mitigating the impact through multimodal transportation improvements or mitigations to enhance transportation mode shift (use of alternative transportation modes). Following completion and adoption of VMT thresholds as part of the Ventura County ISAG, this implementation program shall no longer apply.
1. “Feasible” means that this mitigation measure shall be applied to future discretionary projects under the 2040 General Plan when and to the extent it is “capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, legal, social, and technological factors” as determined by the County in the context of such future projects based on substantial evidence. This definition is consistent with the definition of “feasible” set forth in CEQA (Pub. Res. Code, § 21066.1) and the CEQA Guidelines (§ 15164). The County shall be solely responsible for making this feasibility determination in accordance with CEQA.
PFS-J Public Education of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Care
The County shall promote and support programs to educate homeowners on the care and maintenance of private onsite wastewater treatment systems and environmental implications of improper maintenance.