The County shall apply for grants through the California Coastal Commission and other organizations for beach nourishment, dune restoration, and other adaptation activities to improve the resilience of county beaches to sea-level rise and coastal flooding.
COS-K Preservation Guidelines for Significant Cultural, Historical, Paleontological, and Archaeological Resources
The County shall prepare, and regularly update as needed, specific guidelines for the preservation of significant cultural, historical, paleontological, and archaeological resources.
COS-L Oil and Gas Well Stimulation Treatment
The County shall require discretionary projects that include fracking, well stimulation treatment, cyclic steaming, and/or steam flooding be evaluated for potential effects on ground water contamination, exacerbation of seismic activity, water use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and other impacts.
COS-M Oil and Gas Tax
The County shall evaluate the feasibility of establishing a local tax on all oil and gas operations located in the unincorporated county.
PFS-T Development and Inclusion of Los Padres National Forest and Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Trails and Map
The County shall prepare a map of public trails within and into the Los Padres National Forest and Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, including those that cross private lands for inclusion in Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure Element.
COS-A Standards for Compact Development
The County shall update the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance to include design and development standards to achieve compact siting of development adjacent to scenic or sensitive biological resources.