The County shall coordinate with regional stakeholders to assess vulnerabilities from the effects of, and opportunities to enhance the resiliency to, sea level rise on estuaries, wetlands, and groundwater basins. This assessment should consider factors that influence the conditions of an estuary or wetland, including sea level rise, rainfall, surface heat budget, wind, and ocean acidification.
COS-HH Cultural Records Research
As part of a discretionary application process, project applicants (Ventura County for County projects) shall initiate a records search and Sacred Lands File search with the South Central Coastal Information Center.
COS-KK Implement Project-Level Security Measures
During project-level ground disturbance activities for discretionary development, in areas where paleontologically rich sites or tribal cultural resources are known to be present, project sites shall be secured during non-construction hours to ensure that the unauthorized access and the unlawful curation of fossil materials or tribal cultural resources does not occur. Such security measures may include construction fencing, unauthorized access signage, security lighting, and security cameras. For large-scale development, a security plan may be prepared prior to construction activities to detail security measures and protocol for the project site.
COS-MM Surface Mining Reclamation Act Ordinance
The County shall evaluate and as necessary update the local Surface Mining Reclamation Act ordinance within three years of adoption of the 2040 General Plan.
COS-NN Oil and Gas Setbacks
By 2022, the County shall conduct a study of going to 2,500-foot setback(s) that should be required between oil wells and related extraction facilities and surrounding sensitive receptors for a future potential General Plan amendment.
HAZ-D Dam Failure Contingency Plans
The County Sheriff’s Department, Office of Emergency Services shall review and revise the Dam Failure Contingency section of the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan every five years and continue to provide public information on dam failure preparedness and response.