The County shall update its Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program and perform a comprehensive update to the program a minimum once every ten (10) years pursuant to Government Code Section 66000 et seq.
CTM-A Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program
The County shall update its Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program and perform a comprehensive update to the program a minimum once every ten (10) years pursuant to Government Code Section 66000 et seq.
CTM-A Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program
The County shall update its Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program and perform a comprehensive update to the program a minimum once every ten (10) years pursuant to Government Code Section 66000 et seq.
LU-A Guidelines for Orderly Development Implementation
The County shall continue to implement the Guidelines for Orderly Development and work with cities to promote orderly and compact development, increased options for affordable housing, minimize vehicle miles traveled, and limit sprawl development.
LU-A Guidelines for Orderly Development Implementation
The County shall continue to implement the Guidelines for Orderly Development and work with cities to promote orderly and compact development, increased options for affordable housing, minimize vehicle miles traveled, and limit sprawl development.
LU-J Develop a JLUS Resource Management Reference Guide
The County shall cooperate with Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) partners in the development of a reference guide providing information about the various agencies in the JLUS Study Area with their respective responsibilities. It shall be tailored to existing JLUS issues and contain:
- Map(s) identifying the important resources in the area, and
- County and JLUS partner contact information for the agency representative that will help in cases of community-military compatibility.