The County shall maintain and update as needed the Building Code to establish performance-based standards that incentivize green building techniques.
COS-S Building Code Update
The County shall update the Building Code to include a mandatory Energy Reach Code.
COS-T Energy Consumption Performance
The County shall continue to review its energy consumption performance and implement programs designed to increase energy efficiency in County-owned buildings, including, but not limited to:
- reduced operating hours for heating, ventilating and lighting systems,
- installation of weather stripping on all openable doors and windows,
- development of energy audit and energy management programs,
- implementation of operation and maintenance programs which contribute to energy conservation,
- develop energy audits and energy management programs for all County-owned facilities,
- develop a plan to re-invest utility company rebates and utility savings into a long-range funding program for on-going conservation projects,
- implement operational and maintenance programs which contribute to energy conservation,
- investigate and implement new energy technologies such as solar and fuel cells,
- install energy management systems in all County-owned facilities to control air conditioning and lighting systems where beneficial,
- install ceiling, wall, and roof insulation whenever feasible,
- install plumbing flow restrictors in toilets, lavatories and showers, and
- provide energy conservation training and literature to all County agencies.
PFS-R Biogas Control Systems
The County shall review and update regulations to allow the development of appropriate biogas facilities near the source of organic waste materials and develop a program to coordinate public-private local investment in biogas control systems to encourage their development.
PFS-R Biogas Control Systems
The County shall review and update regulations to allow the development of appropriate biogas facilities near the source of organic waste materials and develop a program to coordinate public-private local investment in biogas control systems to encourage their development.
PFS-R Biogas Control Systems
The County shall review and update regulations to allow the development of appropriate biogas facilities near the source of organic waste materials and develop a program to coordinate public-private local investment in biogas control systems to encourage their development.