The County shall convene all stakeholders, agencies, and service providers in a forum to discuss the policies that impact infrastructure necessary for housing development. The purpose of the discussion would be to identify constraints and solutions in providing water, sewer services, and dry utilities for housing.
As Area Plans are updated, especially in designated disadvantaged communities, the County shall apply for funding as funding sources are available from the Community Development Block Grant, Infill Infrastructure Grant Program, or other funding programs as available, to fund infrastructure design plans and infrastructure construction improvements supporting residential development in designated disadvantaged communities.
The County’s Land Use and Community Character Element identifies the El Rio/Del Norte Area, a designated disadvantaged community, to be updated first and will assist in planning appropriate infrastructure for at least 179 multifamily units identified in the Sites Inventory, Background Report Appendix 5.A. Additionally, the County has been approved for $300,000 in state Local Early Action Planning grant funds for various projects, one of which is to facilitate the El Rio/Del Norte Area Plan update.
The Saticoy Sanitary District serves the unincorporated area of Saticoy, a designated disadvantaged community serving approximately 262 households. As part of the 2013-2021 Housing Element Cycle, approximately $500,000 in CDBG funds was awarded to the Saticoy Sanitary District to remediate aging infrastructure and ensure reliable operation and processing of wastewater. The County shall distribute funding in the 2021-2029 Housing Element during two fiscal years through 2022.
- Stakeholders, Agencies, and Service Providers Forum 2023;
- Ongoing;
- El Rio/Del Norte (December 2024);
- North Avenue and Ojai Valley Area Plan Update (2025-2029)