The County shall review and update the Local Agency Management Program plan every five years consistent with the State Water Resources Control Board Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Policy.
PFS-H Ventura County Sewer Policy
The County shall maintain a policy regarding the requirements and exemptions related to the connection to a wastewater treatment system.
PFS-I Onsite Wastewater System for Commercial and Industrial Uses
Discretionary development for commercial or industrial facilities served by onsite wastewater treatment facilities shall be conditioned to grant an access easement to the applicable County Service Area. In addition, regular testing and monitoring of onsite wastewater treatment system shall be performed to the satisfaction of the County’s Environmental Health Division.
PFS-J Public Education of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Care
The County shall promote and support programs to educate homeowners on the care and maintenance of private onsite wastewater treatment systems and environmental implications of improper maintenance.
PFS-K Coordination on Large Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Repairs
The County shall coordinate with the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board to address compliance and repair issues for large onsite wastewater treatment systems (over 5,000 gallons) and package treatment systems.
PFS-N Open Space Zone for Parks and Recreation
The County shall amend the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance to create a new Open Space zone for public lands that will be limited to parks and recreational uses.