The County shall continue to collaborate with and support the UC Cooperative Extension Office on educational programs on irrigation techniques to maximize water use efficiency, when feasible.
AG-J Alternative Fuel Funding for Agricultural Operations
The County shall coordinate with the Air Pollution Control District to develop a program to identify funding sources or develop financial or regulatory incentives to encourage the switch to electric or alternatively fueled agricultural equipment, when feasible.
AG-I Fossil Fuel-Powered Equipment Replacement
The County shall coordinate with the Air Pollution Control District and electric utilities to develop a program to establish a countywide fossil fuel-powered equipment conversion target, track progress on conversions to renewable energy sourced electric powered systems and provide technical assistance to users considering replacement of pumps.
AG-H Nutrient Management Plans
The County shall continue to collaborate with the UC Cooperative Extension Office and UC Agriculture and Natural Resources to implement Nutrient Management Plans for commonly grown local crops featuring best management practices for nitrous oxide (N2O) emission reductions.
AG-E Specialty Farming Education
The County shall continue to collaborate with and support the UC Cooperative Extension Office on education programs that inform and assist local farmers, ranchers, and agricultural managers in diversifying and establishing expertise in specialty agricultural products.
AG-C County Procurement
The County shall develop a program to identify opportunities to continue to provide organic and locally grown foods into cafeteria services, the jail, Ventura County Medical Center, and other County-sponsored services and events that provide food service, to the extent feasible.