The County shall update existing Tree Protection Regulations in the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance to further enhance conservation of our urban forests and the preservation of the County’s oak woodland resources. Updates shall include incorporation of Board-adopted recommendations from the Ventura County Oak Woodlands Management Plan (2007), which includes tree replacement offsets for ministerial development projects that remove protected trees. The County shall also re-evaluate and modify, if necessary, mitigation ratios for tree removal and oak woodland impacts for discretionary development projects, evaluate existing protections for invasive, non-native trees and consider the degree to which they provide habitat for a species during critical life stages (e.g., colonial roost sites, breeding sites, etc.). In addition, the evaluation shall also include anticipated effects of climate change on the urban forest environment
Natural and Working Lands
COS-H County Tree Planting Program
The County shall plant at least one thousand trees annually. ]