The County shall seek funding to prepare and implement a communication program that periodically provides updates to the Board of Supervisors, and other stakeholders regarding impacts from sea level rise and planning decisions to address those impacts.
Sea Level Rise/Coastal Erosion
HAZ-H Sea Level Rise Analysis in Siting and Design of New Development
The County shall consider the feasibility of amending the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance and Coastal Zoning Ordinance to require technical analysis of projected sea level rise exposure for the siting and design of new discretionary development.
COS-I Grants for Climate Change Adaptation Activities
The County shall apply for grants through the California Coastal Commission and other organizations for beach nourishment, dune restoration, and other adaptation activities to improve the resilience of county beaches to sea-level rise and coastal flooding.
COS-I Grants for Climate Change Adaptation Activities
The County shall apply for grants through the California Coastal Commission and other organizations for beach nourishment, dune restoration, and other adaptation activities to improve the resilience of county beaches to sea-level rise and coastal flooding.
PFS-C Sea Level Rise Impacts Monitoring
The County shall conduct, and periodically update, Climate Change Impacts Monitoring reports to map locations of communication, energy, public service, transportation facilities, and infrastructure that are vulnerable to rising sea levels and coastal flooding.
PFS-D Sea Level Rise Adaptation Response
Based on findings from the Climate Change Impacts Monitoring reports, in cases where existing County facilities are found to be vulnerable to sea-level rise or coastal flooding, the County shall identify funding and create an action plan to protect, accommodate, or manage the retreat of County facilities to areas of higher elevation or reduced flood exposure. For facilities operated by other entities, the County shall work with these entities to create an action plan to protect, accommodate, or manage the retreat of their facilities to areas of higher elevation or reduced flood exposure.