The County shall apply for grant funding for climate change adaptation planning efforts from available private and public sources.
Food Security
AG-B Regionally-Grown Products Sales Incentives
The County shall develop a program that encourages sales and distribution of regionally-grown (in Ventura County or neighboring counties of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, or Kern) produce to local retailers, restaurants, and markets, and encourage chain stores to develop local distribution centers. The program will encourage residents to select locally grown food products for freshness, local economic development benefits, and reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
HAZ-R Adaptation Grant Funding
The County shall apply for grant funding for climate change adaptation planning efforts from available private and public sources.
AG-B Regionally-Grown Products Sales Incentives
The County shall develop a program that encourages sales and distribution of regionally-grown (in Ventura County or neighboring counties of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, or Kern) produce to local retailers, restaurants, and markets, and encourage chain stores to develop local distribution centers. The program will encourage residents to select locally grown food products for freshness, local economic development benefits, and reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.