The predominant sources of noise in the county include traffic noise on major roadways, transit and freight trains, and aircraft. In addition to the information provided in Section 11.6, “Noise and Vibration,” of the Background Report on existing conditions, Table 7-1 includes the calculated future noise levels at 50 feet from County roadways, as well as distances to the 60, 65, and 70 dBA CNEL noise contours for all modeled roadways.
Noise-sensitive land uses are generally considered to include those uses where noise exposure could result in health-related risks to individuals, as well as places where quiet is an essential element of their intended purpose. These uses include: residences; schools; historic sites; cemeteries; parks, recreation, and open space areas; hospitals and care facilities; sensitive wildlife habitats, including the habitat of rare, threatened, or endangered species; hotels and other short-term lodging (e.g., bed and breakfasts, and motels); places of worship; and libraries.